Things You Can Compost

There are many Things You Can Compost! Fruit rinds, Jell-O, and even eggshells can make great additions to your compost bin. Read on to learn more. Even fabric scraps make great compost additions!

If you have a yard, you may even have a few of these items lying around! But how do you know if they're compostable? Read on to learn how to compost a variety of materials!

Things You Can Compost

Composting Eggshells

If you don't use your eggs every day, eggshells can be composted and help your garden produce more. Eggshells are made of calcified carbonates and will react with acids found in compost and soil to break down.

Before adding eggshells to your compost pile, make sure to grind them into a fine powder to speed up the decomposition process. While eggshells take a while to break down, it can be sped up by balancing brown and green materials in your compost pile and turning it regularly.

Things You Can Compost

Composting Fruit Rinds

You can compost most plant-based materials, but some need special handling. Some types of fruit waste are not suitable for composting, and they may produce an odor.


If you're interested in composting fruit rinds, you should first cut them into small pieces. You can also compost grape pits, apple cores, and the cores of cooked fruits.

The key to composting fruit is to chop them small enough to prevent odors and attracting pests.

Things You Can Compost

Things You Can Compost: Jell-O

If you're thinking about composting your unused jell-O, it's time to think green. The company behind Jell-O, the Kraft Heinz company, has pledged to release an updated Environmental Social Governance Report in September 2020 that will detail their commitment to environmental and social responsibility.

Unlike store-bought jello, which offers almost no nutrients, homemade jell-O can be composted.

Things You Can Compost

Things You Can Compost: Fabric scraps

You're probably already aware that fabric scraps are compostable. Composting these fabrics is a great way to divert these materials from landfills.

When fabrics go into landfills, they contribute to climate change by releasing methane. Textiles were responsible for 11,150 tons of waste in 2017.

Things You Can Compost

Composting Wood

If you are wondering whether wood is something you can compost, the answer is a resounding yes. Unless you're using fibreboards, hardwood, or particle board, there are ways to compost wood. In addition to providing valuable nutrients for your garden, wood also serves as a great playground for beneficial insects.

Wood can be composted in the yard, and some councils will even pick it up as part of their green waste collection.

Things You Can Compost: Peat moss

One of the advantages of peat moss is its carbon content. Peat moss is rich in carbon and helps your compost heap to balance the nitrogen content. You can mix it with the rest of your compost or sprinkle it on top. However, you should make sure it is wet before you use it.

Once it has been wet, you can apply it to your garden beds in a two to three-inch layer. This layer should be incorporated into the top 12 inches of soil.

Things You Can Compost

Composting Tea

You may have been wondering if you should compost tea. It's a great organic fertilizer, but it has some drawbacks. Tea is relatively acidic, so it will sour when brewed.

It should be strained within 24 hours, or the tea will collect harmful bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella. Composting tea for a long time also causes the mixture to lose oxygen, which encourages the growth of bacteria and viruses.

Things You Can Compost

Composting Sheep's wool

If you have an organic garden, sheep's wool is an excellent source of carbon, potassium, and nitrogen. Sheep wool is highly water-retentive and helps to break down organic materials slowly.

It contains bracken, which provides high levels of natural potash and trace elements. No other growing medium has such a concentration of nutrients naturally.

Comfrey is an organic gardener's best friend. Comfrey's 'Bocking 14' variety contains high levels of potassium, phosphorous, and nitrogen.

Things You Can Compost


Composting enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests. Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material.

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