Can You Compost Lemons?

Can you compost lemons? Lemons are one of the most common citrus fruits and their peels can be composted. Learn how to compost Citrus fruit peels, including Lemons and Oranges

Citrus fruit can also be composted: cut the peels into small pieces and add them to your green compost bin. Lemons break down best when they are cut into smaller pieces.

Composting Lemons

Composting Citrus Fruit

Composting citrus fruit can provide nutrients for your garden. It is also a way to help the environment, as citrus peels are among the most commonly consumed fruits.

Many people throw away their peels, but these can be composted instead. Citrus fruits add minerals to your compost pile, while deterring pests and other animals. 

They quickly decompose and don't pose any environmental risk. Besides, they're delicious!

Composting Lemons

Composting Citrus Peels

When it comes to composting, citrus peels are an excellent source of nitrogen for the pile. They also contain calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. 

You can use citrus peels to enrich your soil by grinding them into a fine powder and mixing it into it.

Once the citrus peels are ready to be composted, you can add them to your garden. Before adding them to the pile, be sure to thoroughly dry them.

Composting Lemons

Composting Orange Peels

Some people question whether you can compost orange peels. They say that the peels contain d-limonene, a chemical that only certain bacteria can chew on. The remaining bacteria will be put to waste.

Moreover, the fruit's acidity will prevent decomposition. This way, your compost can last longer. You can also use the liquid from orange peels for fertilizing your garden.

Make sure you spray the liquid in the morning so it does not get sunburned.

Composting Lemons

Composting Moldy Citrus Peels

If you are trying to compost moldy citrus peels, there are several options. To compost moldy citrus fruit, chop them up into small pieces and place them on top of the dry leaves in your compost pile.

To reduce their acidity level, you can cover them with a piece of grass or paper. You can also add a hydrated white lime to the pile to balance the acidity.

Citrus fruit contains high levels of moisture and attract fungi. In addition to this, the oils contained in the peels discourage unwanted animals and insects from your compost pile.

The beneficial insects, however, do not get affected by citrus oils.

Composting Lemons


Although some gardening authorities have warned against using citrus fruits in your compost, the benefits of citrus scraps have been found to outweigh any risks.

Although citrus peels contain d-limonene, a chemical that is also found in insecticides and cleaning products, lemons are a great addition to your compost pile.

Composting lemons and other citrus fruits can affect the pH level of the finished product, but these acids can also be beneficial.

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