Can You Compost Pineapple?

You may be wondering, is composting pineapple possible? The outer layer of pineapples takes the longest to decompose. If you have a compost pile, you can simply add the pineapple flesh, as it contains tons of nitrogen.

In addition to nitrogen, pineapples are also incredibly high in calcium and allow water to penetrate easily. 

Pineapple composting is great for your garden because pineapples are highly beneficial to your soil, improving the texture and increasing the presence of good bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes.

Composting Pineapple

Acidity of pineapples affects composting process

The acidity of pineapples is a major consideration for composting. While fresh pineapples are less acidic than overripe ones, the decomposing fruit will still retain some acids and natural chemicals.

However, most of these will be broken down by the time the compost pile is completed. If you decide to compost pineapples, here are a few steps you can take to minimize the acidity of your compost pile.

Pineapple waste is a good source of nitrogen. The high amount of nitrogen and carbon that are found in the pineapple's flesh help the compost process. While nitrogen is derived from the fruit's inner flesh, carbon is found in the peel and stems. 

In addition to composting, pineapple waste can also be used to create compost tea. During this process, you should steep the compost pile in pineapple waste for several days.

The resulting compost tea concentrate is useful as a fertilizer for your garden.

Composting Pineapple

White lime reduces acidity of composting pineapple

Pineapple has a high level of acidity because of the bromelain content. This acidity can affect the pH balance of the soil. You can reduce this acidity by adding hydrated white lime to the compost pile.

The lime will react directly with the acids in the pineapple and will trigger the decomposition process. By doing this, you will also help the compost pile's texture. You can sprinkle lime on top of the compost pile before adding the pineapple.

Adding lime to compost is a long-standing tradition among gardeners. Although authorities are divided regarding the benefits of lime in compost.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resource Conservation Service recommends adding lime to reduce soil acidity, while the Smart Gardener Handbook of South Carolina suggests avoiding it. 

The addition of lime can also reduce nitrogen content in the compost. Most gardeners should add lime only to finished compost if it's needed to correct the soil pH.

Composting Pineapple

Adding pineapple to worm farms

You can use pineapple to feed your worm farm. The amount you use will depend on how large your worm farm is and the size of your pineapple. During warmer months, pineapple tends to break down faster than other food.

To feed your worms, you can use both the flesh and the leaves from the pineapple. The worms will digest the pineapple and leave the leftover nutrients in their castings. If you don't have a pineapple handy, you can use cardboard as a blanket.

When adding pineapple to your worm farm, you must avoid feeding them too much. Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme that is easily burned by compost worms. However, decomposing the pineapple will reduce these negative effects.

Also, you must avoid feeding your worms acidic or greasy foods. Aside from pineapple, avoid feeding them with cat or dog waste or any other items with strong odors. Also, make sure that they do not get exposed to citrus or other acidic foods.

Composting Pineapple


Pineapple composting is great for your garden because pineapples are highly beneficial to your soil, however the acidity of pineapples is a major consideration for composting. So it is important to know how to compost pineapple.

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