Growing Cabbage In Containers Is Possible, Here’s How To Do It.

growing cabbage in containers
Growing Cabbage In Containers

When it comes to growing cabbage in containers, there are a few different considerations you need to make. Here, we’ll talk about how to choose the best soil, fertilize the plant, and water the plants. Harvesting your cabbage should be easy, too!

Here are a few helpful tips to you get started.

We hope you enjoy growing your own cabbage!

After you’ve read this guide, you’ll be an expert in no time.

Proper Soil For Growing Cabbage in Containers

The first step to growing a healthy cabbage in a container is to prepare the soil. It is important to use a fertiliser that is designed for plants. A balanced fertilizer can be applied to the soil two weeks after planting.

You can also add sphagnum moss, which lowers the soil pH to 6.5 or 6.8. A balanced fertilizer is ideal for the plants, but you should also amend the soil before planting the cabbage.

When growing cabbage, you should select a deep container. This is because cabbage has a deep root system and requires full sun for growth. A container that is too small will restrict its growth and produce a weak crop.

A container that is wide and deep will increase growth and ameliorate the yield. If you can’t find the right container, consider buying a pre-grown seedling.

However, if you can’t wait this long for your cabbage to grow, buying pre-grown seedlings might be a better option.

For the best results, you should amend the soil with worm castings, alfalfa meal, and soy meal. For the warm season, choose a compact variety cabbage like Red Express or Savoy Express.

Fertilize your cabbage plant regularly. Make sure to apply a balanced fertilizer to the soil two weeks after transplanting.

Fertilizer rich in nitrogen is best. You can use fish emulsion, which is known to be highly effective for growing leafy vegetables. It is also important to harvest your cabbage heads by carefully slicing them with a sharp knife with several outer leaves still intact.


Before planting your cabbage plants, you should sterilize the container, and place small pebbles on top to prevent the soil from getting wet. Your soil should have a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5, and you should use organic plant or animal compost.

Avoid garden soil, which has bacteria and fungus.

Water cabbage plants at least twice a week, and do not let them sit in water for too long. Watering your plants in containers should last a couple of weeks, but should not be excessively wet.

The right amount of water for your container plant depends on the type and size of the container you use. A standard bag of soil does not have enough nutrients, and cabbage plants require nutrient-rich soil to thrive.

For best results, add organic compost to your soil before planting your cabbage. This should be done several months before planting. Add compost at least once a month to increase nutrient levels in the soil. You can use compost tea to improve the soil’s pH.


Fertilizing cabbage in containers is an important part of growing your crop, but there are some special tips for container gardening. This vegetable needs a balance of nutrients from the soil, especially nitrogen. Fertilize the first month after transplanting the plant, or use a balanced fertilizer every two weeks.

A good choice is triple 10 fertilizer, which contains seaweed and amino acids. You can apply this liquid fertilizer once every two weeks or every other week for the first couple of weeks. It is easy to apply and is good for both indoor and outdoor gardening.

Before transplanting your new crop, prepare your planting area. Cover it with black plastic to maintain the soil temperature. Add 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. Then, add slow-release plant food to the soil. Once transplanted, cover the container with three inches of mulch to retain moisture and prevent weeds. Fertilizing your cabbage in containers should last until the plant has a firm head. Once the head is firm, you can harvest it.


If you grow cabbage in a container, you should be aware of its particular needs. Cabbage is a heavy feeder, and the soil needs to have good drainage. In addition, you should provide the plants with a regular supply of organic fertilizer.

Organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen is recommended, as it will encourage large leaves. If you’d prefer to use fish emulsion as a fertilizer, that’s fine as well. Harvest the cabbage head with a sharp knife, making sure to leave several outer leaves intact.

When harvesting cabbage grown in a container, you must remember that heads grow quite large. Some varieties may weigh more than three pounds. Make sure to check the maturity date, as over-mature cabbage will split and become a haven for pests. Wait until the head feels firm to harvest it. Then use a sharp knife to separate the head from the stem. Once it is detached from the stem, you can eat it!

Preserving vitamin C

You may wonder how to preserve vitamin C when growing cabbage in containers. First of all, you must sterilize your grow tray or pot. After sterilizing it, you can cover the top with small pebbles to prevent water from dripping or blocking. When it comes to soil, use plant or animal-based organic soil with a pH level of 6.5-7.5. This will prevent the growth of fungus and bacteria in the soil, and ensure the best possible growth of your cabbage plant.

Once the heads begin to form, the best time to harvest them is when they are firm. The quality of cabbage depends on the time of year and how much you plant.

However, if you plant more cabbage than you can handle, the harvesting time may differ. To avoid splitting heads, harvest the cabbages when they are large and firm. You should avoid heavy rain as it can split the heads.

Final thoughts

Gowing Cabbage in containers is totally doable, but it may not be as easy or fast as growing it in the ground.

However, there are some great benefits to growing it in containers. For many people trying to grow their own food, container gardening is a good way to start out when you don’t have much space or any sunny areas around your home.

If you have had trouble growing cabbage in the ground in the past then why not give growing cabbage in a container a try.

Here is a video you might find helpful.

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