5 Natural Remedies For Insomnia During Pregnancy

insomnia during pregnancy

There are several natural remedies for insomnia during pregnancy. One natural cure is to do exercise. You may want to consider working from home for one day a week if you feel you are too tired to commute. Try to avoid driving during peak hours if possible.

Talk to your doctor or midwife if you are having trouble sleeping. Another option is to exercise daily. Try walking or swimming. If you cannot do these things on your own, you can join a pregnancy exercise class.

Finally, make sure you eat a diet rich in B vitamins. Insomnia is caused by too little B vitamin.

Below are 5 Natural Remedies you can try to help your Insomnia During Pregnancy.


The first step to a successful remedy for insomnia during pregnancy is to optimize your sleep before conception. A pregnant woman must avoid sleeping on her back because of the strain that the weight of the uterus puts on her back muscles and spine.

If you must get up for the bathroom during the night, it is best to do so during the day. To avoid waking up in the middle of the night, you should consume fluids earlier in the day and refrain from drinking fluids in the hours before bedtime.

If you absolutely must get up during the night, try to get up as quickly as possible. If you are unable to sleep, try calming techniques such as yoga or pilates. In addition to exercise, try to eat a healthy diet that is full of B vitamins.

Too few B vitamins in the diet may contribute to insomnia during pregnancy.

Low-impact exercise is ideal for pregnant women and is best performed outdoors, in the sunshine and fresh air. It is important to follow your body’s signals when exercising, as your body will tell you if it is safe or not.

Try to avoid exercising close to bedtime, as this may cause an adrenaline rush for sensitive mamas. It’s best to avoid any exercise during the day that may raise your body temperature.


Chamomile has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments, including sleeplessness during pregnancy. It is traditionally consumed as a tea, and is also used externally to treat sore nipples and minor skin infections.

The flowers and leaves are also used to make eye drops, which can relieve tired eyes and mild ocular infections. Chamomile is included on the FDA’s GRAS list, which means that it is generally considered safe for human consumption.

However, pregnant women should be careful when consuming this herbal tea, as the ingredients can cause uterine contractions. Additionally, chamomile eyewashes may contain alcohol, which may irritate the eyes.

Aside from tea, herbal supplements and sleep aids may also help women get a good night’s sleep. Chamomile can be taken after dinner, but it may increase nighttime trips to the restroom.

It is also recommended to avoid alcohol or caffeine, as these can disturb the sleeping cycle. Lastly, drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine before bed. However, you should remember to consult your doctor about any medication that may cause adverse effects.

Epsom salt

Many expectant women experience aches during their pregnancy, especially in the legs and back. While they may be uncomfortable, these aches can be alleviated by soaking in a bath containing Epsom salt.

This natural remedy also helps relieve swelling in the muscles and joints. Epsom salt baths are a great way to get some rest and relax without the risk of side effects of medications.

Baths containing Epsom salt are a great way to promote good sleep. These natural remedies for insomnia are easy to find and are completely safe for use during pregnancy.

Epsom salt works by dissolving quickly in warm water, so you can soak for up to 15 minutes while enjoying the benefits of its soothing properties. A warm bath can also help alleviate the symptoms of hives and vaginal yeast infections.

To get the most out of Epsom salt, however, be sure to use it in a bath with water that is not too hot. Very hot water can be harmful to a pregnant woman, so be sure to check with a health professional before attempting to use it.

Relaxation exercises

If you suffer from insomnia during pregnancy, you may want to try relaxation exercises. These exercises will help you relax and fall asleep more easily. They are generally more effective when combined with other sleep hygiene measures.

As with any relaxation technique, you must practice them regularly to achieve the best results. The key to success is repetition; long-term use will usually produce more benefit than short-term use. Experiment with these exercises until you find something that works for you.

During pregnancy, stress is a major factor. The mind and body are both trying to adjust to the new situation. The best way to reduce stress during this time is to try deep relaxation techniques.

These techniques are easy and can be done any time in a quiet area. You can also practice muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and relaxing specific muscle groups. Repeatedly tensing and relaxing specific muscle groups can help release the stress-induced muscle tension, which may be a big cause of insomnia during pregnancy.

Chamomile tea

Drinking chamomile tea regularly can help ease insomnia during pregnancy. You can drink several cups a day, depending on how stressed you are, and take it before bed to get a good night’s sleep. Just be sure not to drink it too close to bedtime, as it can increase your risk of morning sickness.

To buy chamomile tea, look for organic chamomile blossoms.

The best way to consume chamomile tea is by steeping the flowers in boiling water. You can either use dried flowers or buy them already prepared. It’s best to steep the flowers for about five to ten minutes and cover them to keep the fragrance.

The tea is best served hot, but be aware that too much can increase uterine contractions and cause miscarriage or preterm labor.


Always consult your Doctor for anything health related. Posts on our site are for ideas to explore but always take further advice from a health professional.

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