Who is Shane in Bad Vegan?

who is shane in bad vegan

While the character of Shane Fox from Bad Vegan may look like a black ops agent, we were unsure of his true occupation. His girlfriend believed his explanation, but we could not find his real occupation on his password protected computer. Moreover, he never served in the military or with the Navy Seals.

Anthony Strangis

Anthony Strangis plays Shane in bad vegan, a film he also produced and directed. In the film, he claims to be a black ops agent working for the U.S. government and has stolen millions of dollars. During the course of the film, Strangis allegedly convinced Melngailis to wire him millions of dollars in lump sums to fund his black ops activities. In the end, he transferred over $1.6 million to Strangis’ personal bank account. He also convinced Melngailis to marry him and he had her try on an engagement ring worth $800,000, at Tiffany’s.

Strangis cheated Melngailis out of millions of dollars by coercing her into giving him millions. He then drained her bank account and nearly wiped out her businesses. In the end, he pleaded guilty, serving a three-and-a-half-month sentence in prison and ordered a pizza using her real name.

Shane Fox

The Netflix crime docuseries Bad Vegan focuses on the real life story of Anthony Strangis, a con artist who conned Sarma Melngailis into investing in his restaurant. Strangis manipulated Sarma for years, cheating investors and stiffing employees. He then fled, and was finally caught. Now, Shane Fox has served his jail time and is on probation. But the question remains: Does he really deserve to be put behind bars?

The answer to that question is complicated. Although Strangis isn’t a victim of sexual abuse, he did extort millions of dollars from investors. He also used the money to fund an extravagant gambling habit. The documentary paints a dark picture of domestic abuse and is disturbing to watch. It also gives former employees of the restaurant a platform to speak out about their experience.

Sarma Melngailis

If you’ve been following the raw vegan trend, you’ve probably heard of Sarma Melngailis, who once ran a trendy restaurant in New York City. However, she later got into a relationship with a mysterious man named Shane Fox. They met on Twitter, and Sarma believed that he would help her with her business. But the relationship turned into one of the worst decisions she’d ever made. As a result, Sarma became pregnant, and later aborted the pregnancy.

Despite the fact that she’s been paid to appear in the Bad Vegan docuseries, she still had a few complaints. In an interview with E! News, she explained why she felt like she was duped by the conman. “Typical journalistic practices don’t pay the subjects of documentaries,” she wrote.

Sarma Melngailis’ impromptu wedding

The Netflix documentary series Bad Vegan chronicles the rise and fall of the successful vegan restaurateur Sarma Melngailis and her relationship with a former con man. In the show, Melngailis is accused of stealing from employees to support her husband’s lavish lifestyle. After meeting Anthony Strangis, she was allegedly tricked into handing over money in return for making her dog immortal. Despite the scandal, the two went on the run.

While the couple briefly separated in November 2011, Sarma was able to meet Strangis in person. She discovered that Anthony was not as fit as he had appeared in online photos. She dismissed these concerns as “selfish” and quickly became romantically involved. The pair was reportedly physically intimate without protection. Strangis’ attorney denied the accusations.

Sarma Melngailis’ alleged abuse by Anthony Strangis

According to the accusation, Strangis abused Melngailis and used “cult” tactics to control her, including love bombing her and separating her from others. He also controlled her finances and monitored her communication with others. He recorded her crying in bed, and said her safety depended on her compliance.

Strangis’ claims to be the victim of emotional abuse by Sarma were also disturbing. Despite her claims, she still maintains contact with her abuser, and she even warns him that the documentary is affecting her business. If you’re interested in seeing this disturbing documentary, we suggest you watch it on Netflix.