Anthony Strangis Visits a Bad Vegan Restaurant

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During an episode of “The Daily Show” on Saturday, Anthony Strangis was questioned about his recent visit to a bad vegan restaurant. The episode also delved into Strangis’ alleged fraud and his relationship with Sarma Melngailis, who he once dated.

Sarma Melngailis’ relationship with Anthony Strangis

During the early 2000s, Sarma Melngailis was a successful vegan restaurateur. She was known for rubbing shoulders with celebrities such as Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas.

In November 2011, Sarma met Anthony Strangis in person. They soon became romantically involved. At the time, Sarma had not been aware of Anthony’s true identity. She assumed that his vagueness was a way of protecting her. In fact, he was a con artist and had a criminal history.

During the first year of their relationship, Sarma didn’t realize how deeply her life had changed. Anthony started to blackmail her. He said that he had insider information about photos of Jennifer Van Laar and Hill. Eventually, he made Sarma meet his father. Sarma believed that this was a way to protect her from a possible stalker, but she soon learned that her shady boyfriend had a criminal background.

Strangis’ alleged fraud

Throughout his life, Anthony Strangis has committed numerous crimes. He is an alleged con artist and gambling addict. However, he has not committed any crimes since his release from Rikers Island Prison. However, he has been keeping quiet in a new series on Netflix.

During his time behind bars, Strangis received five years of probation. He will be released from probation in May of 2022. He also received time served in court at his sentencing. In addition, he has already served one year in jail.

He is also believed to have racked up more than $200,000 in casino expenses. He also spent over $71,000 in hotel stays. In addition to the hotel stays, Strangis also spent thousands of dollars on specialty watch retailers. He also spent hundreds of dollars on car rides.

Strangis’ alleged lies

‘Bad Vegan’ is a documentary on Netflix that is a bizarre story of how a vegan chef was swindled by her ex-husband. Strangis is accused of using gaslighting techniques to manipulate his victims. He has also been accused of funneling money to fuel his gambling addiction. While internet users have mostly swept Strangis aside in conversation, there are a few who are attempting to shine light on his behavior.

Strangis met Melngailis on Twitter and married her in a secret ceremony on December 5, 2012. Strangis then made numerous claims, including that he had $5 million, that he was a reincarnated lover, that he was a covert agent, that he was immortal and that his pit bull Leon would live forever.

Sarma Melngailis’ reaction to the documentary

Known as the vegan queen of New York, Sarma Melngailis once owned a successful vegan restaurant, Pure Food and Wine. She later became a con artist and swindled millions of dollars from her eatery and investors. The scandal is the subject of the four-part documentary Bad Vegan.

Sarma’s story is not unique, however. In fact, there have been several women who have spoken out about abusive men in various industries.

The documentary, Bad Vegan: Fame, Fraud, and Fugitives, is based on Sarma’s story and features interviews with her. She also provides her own explanation of her side of the story. It is a tangled tale with many coercive relationships.