Is Gum Vegan?

is gum vegan

When you’re trying to decide which gum to buy, you need to make sure that it’s vegan. While most popular brands do make vegan gum, there are also many brands that produce non-vegan gum. It’s important to be discerning when buying gum, since most brands don’t clearly label their products. Some products may simply say that they’re vegetarian, but you have to check the labels carefully to find out if they’re actually vegan.


It’s possible to find chewing gum that’s entirely vegan. However, many of them contain animal-derived ingredients. These include gelatin, stearic acid, and glycerin. These ingredients are usually obtained by boiling animal bones or joints. They give chewy gum its texture.

Stearic acid

Stearic acid is an ingredient that is naturally found in chocolate and some chewing gums. The acid is produced from both animal fat and plants. It is commonly used as a binder in gum. It is also used as a thickener in candles. However, it isn’t always obvious where stearic acid comes from.

Synthetic polymer

When researching whether or not a gum is vegan, it is important to look beyond the label and ask about the actual ingredients. Generally, gum bases contain up to 80 synthetic substances. These can include petroleum, lanolin, glycerin, polyethylene, polyvinyl acetate, and polystyrene. They may also contain sweeteners, softeners, or other food-like ingredients.

Natural flavors

Many vegan gum products use natural flavors instead of artificial ones. Typically, these flavors come from plants, but sometimes they’re animal-derived as well. Natural flavors, however, can be controversial. While they’re usually considered safe, some have been linked to serious health problems, and others have been banned in Europe.

Ice Cubes

If you’re a vegan or vegetarian, you might be wondering whether or not Ice Cubes gum is vegan. It contains gelatin, a flexible substance that comes from bones and cartilage. Gelatin is a type of collagen-producing chemical that comes from animal remains in the slaughterhouse. As a vegan, you should avoid any gum-based products that contain gelatin. You should also avoid gum-based foods that contain lanolin, which is obtained from sheep’s skin.


If you’re concerned about eating animal products, you might be wondering if Skittles gum is vegan. Well, luckily, the company has changed their recipe in early 2009 to make it vegan-friendly. In this process, the company removed animal-based gelatin and used a plant-based sweetener instead. As a result, the chewy texture of Skittles is preserved, while no animal ingredients are used in the manufacturing process.