How to Make a Terrarium in a Jar

how to make a terrarium in a jar

Terrariums are a fantastic way to bring nature indoors. Although often associated with succulents, you can also use more traditional plants. When creating a terrarium, make sure to consider drainage, watering, and pruning. It’s also important to use activated charcoal to keep bacteria and odour at bay. In addition to the plants you choose, you can also use moss or ivy in your container.


You can use a jar to create a terrarium with plants. It will need a water source. You can use a small rock as a reservoir for the water. It is also helpful to use a small funnel to add water into the terrarium. It is important to remember that the roots of the plants should not touch the water.

You can also use rocks to create a natural terrain. This is helpful in reducing evaporation and improving the moisture level. You can also use a layer of damp potting soil. This layer should be at least half an inch thick. You can also use a spray bottle to mist the soil. You should then place a loose lid on the jar. Once it is done, you can place the finished terrarium in the sunlight.


If you are a novice gardener and are in need of a gift for a loved one, consider creating a terrarium in a jar. This gift is easy to create, requires minimal care, and is a great way to show someone that you care about their home. Many nurseries sell a wide range of plants that are suitable for terrariums. These plants typically grow in clusters or are relatively young.

Before you start planting, prepare the soil for your terrarium. You’ll need potting soil, activated charcoal, and a spray bottle. Activated charcoal is essential for keeping bacteria and odour at bay, and it also provides drainage. Cacti don’t require soil, but you can substitute other types of plants, such as ivy or moss.


If you’re planning on starting a terrarium, you’ll need to buy some materials. These can include potting soil, activated charcoal, and a spray bottle. The type of soil you choose will depend on the type of plants you want to grow. The activated charcoal acts as a “drainage layer” and will allow water to flow out evenly. The spray bottle is also useful for distributing water evenly.

When you water your terrarium, remember to keep the soil moist. Using distilled water will save you from doing the work of cleaning the terrarium multiple times. You can also use a pastry bag that does not have a tip to sprinkle the soil.


The first step in caring for your terrarium is pruning. To make sure the plants are healthy, you should cut off any parts of the plants that show signs of disease. To do this, you can use a pair of scissors or a small piece of gauze. Also, remove damaged leaves. This is important because they may start to decay and produce a rotting odor. After pruning, remove the lid and allow air to circulate in the terrarium.

Water your plants at least once a month. A closed terrarium may only need watering every four to six months. Charcoal and activated carbon are excellent water filters and should be added to your terrarium. Without a filter, your plants can suffer from root rot and become unfit for their intended purpose.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is a natural substance that is used for many purposes, including filtration of water. This substance can adsorb heavy metals and toxins. It can also trap smelly gases. There are many benefits to using this substance in a terrarium.

Using activated carbon is a great way to make your terrarium more healthy and keep your plants alive. It can also be used to enhance the air quality in your home. When added to a jar of potting soil, it will help keep your plants and terrarium alive.

Choosing moss

Choosing moss for your terrarium is an important part of the design process. It adds texture and depth to your design. You can use different types of moss to create different effects, such as a dense jungle. When choosing moss, make sure that it is safe for your plants and will not cause any problems.

Moss is relatively long-lived and will thrive indoors for several months. Because it doesn’t have a root system, it absorbs moisture from the air around it. Because of this, keeping a moss terrarium well-watered is crucial for its health and growth. However, you have to be careful not to overwater your moss, as it may cause puddles to form. Once your moss has reached optimal growth, you may need to prune it to promote healthy regrowth and to avoid mold.