How To Clean A Loofah?

A loofah often spelled luffa is a sponge that can be used to clean and exfoliate your skin.

They have a coarse, sponge-like consistency and are a shower accessory that is favored by many. There are two different types of loofahs available.

The first is a natural loofah which is made from a gourd that belongs to the cucumber family. The second type of loofah is made from a combination of plastic and synthetic materials. 

Loofahs are porous and over time, they will accumulate fungi and bacteria in their nooks and crannies.

It is important to make sure that you keep your loofah in a sanitary condition otherwise there is a risk of it damaging your skin and even making you sick. 

Below we have identified several methods that you can follow to clean your loofah. Most of them call for the use of a few household cleaning products.

Generally, it is recommended that you clean your loofah properly every week. Continue reading if you would like to find out more. 

Cleaning Your Loofah

Make Sure That You Sanitize It After Each Use

First and foremost, thoroughly cleaning your loofah after each use is super important.

Once you have finished using it, instead of setting it aside ready for your next use, you should rinse it out thoroughly in fresh water. After doing so, you will then need to wring it out to get rid of any excess water. 

Hang Your loofah to dry

Once you have used and cleaned your loofah, you will need to hang it to dry in an area where it is going to remain dry.

You should also use a towel to completely dry your loofah. It is important to note that bacteria thrive in wet environments so keeping your loofah in your bath or shower is not recommended. 

Cleaning Your Loofah In Bleach

The first cleaning method calls for the use of bleach. Create a solution from bleach and water. Combine some water with a 10% ratio of bleach. Using bleach to clean your loofah is said to be effective in reducing the risks of bacterial and fungal contamination.

Next, you will need to dip your loofah into the mixture and leave it there for around 5 minutes. The final step involves rinsing the loofah. You can do this in fresh, cool water. After rinsing the bleach out of your loofah you will then need to allow it to dry thoroughly. 

Clean Your Loofah In A Washing Machine

If you do not want to fuss with creating a solution to clean your loofah, you can always put it in the washing machine. It is advised that you opt for a setting that uses cold water.

Once the program has finished, do not put your loofah into the tumble dryer because there is a risk of the fibers melting, instead, you should hang it somewhere where it can dry naturally. 

Clean Your Loofah Using Natural Oils

Essential oils are often used to treat skin conditions but they also possess antibacterial properties. As such, they are going to be effective in reducing the growth and build-up of bacteria so you can use them to clean your loofah weekly.

A good thing about essential oils is that they do not contain strong chemical ingredients so you don’t have to worry about them triggering an adverse reaction.

Essential oils are readily available in the majority of stores so if you don’t already have any, you will not experience difficulties when trying to get your hands on some. 

Put Your Loofah In The Microwave

Now, this may not seem like the most obvious way to clean your loofah but it is certainly effective. Microwaves are powerful appliances that will kill bacteria and germs.

Before you put your loofah into the microwave you should wet it until it is fully absorbed. Program it to medium heat and then allow it to work for between 30 and 60 seconds.

Try not to overheat it for longer than 2 minutes. If your loofah still feels damp when you remove it from the microwave, remember to let it dry. 

Throw Your Loofah Away

It is important to recognize when your loofah needs to be thrown away, especially if you own a natural one. It is generally recommended that you replace your loofah every three to four weeks and invest in a new one.

If your loofah smells off or you have noticed that it has started to go moldy you will need to discard it before this. A synthetic loofah will last longer than a natural loofah. In fact, you can keep the same synthetic loofah for as many as two months. 

What Can I Use Instead Of A Loofah?

Whilst some people enjoy using loofahs there are alternative shower accessories available that you can use to cleanse and exfoliate your body. One of the best alternatives is a washcloth.

They still have a texture that will exfoliate your body although it isn’t as harsh. Moreover, washcloths aren’t as porous so they aren’t going to collect bacteria on the same scale as a loofah.

Another great thing about loofahs is that they are easy to clean as they can simply be put in the washing machine after they have been used. They are also easy to dry. 

Another great alternative is a sea sponge. Because they have a very soft texture they are often used for bathing and exfoliating. Just like loofahs, they do need to be washed and replaced regularly. 

Final Thoughts

As you can see, loofahs are pretty easy to clean. You must ensure that you clean your loofah regularly so that it does not collect bacteria.

A loofah should not be used to clean certain parts of the body because there is a greater risk of bacteria spreading.

You should rinse your loofah after each use and then give it a deeper clean weekly. It is also important to replace your loofah after a few weeks of use.