This Is Vegan Propaganda

this is vegan propaganda

This Is Vegan Propaganda is a groundbreaking and empowering book on veganism. It is a must-read for anyone looking to start a vegan lifestyle. You will learn all about animal agriculture’s deceit of the public into believing that “plant-based meat substitutes” are healthier than real meat. It will also teach you that red meat causes heart disease and processed meat contains carcinogens. Besides, plants rot in the stomach more than cows.

Animal agriculture deceives the public into thinking that “plant-based meat substitutes” are healthier than real meat

“Veggie burgers” and “plant-based meat substitutes” are not real meat; they are meat replacement products made from plant protein. These products have been called “veggie burgers” for years, despite not actually being made from cows. Animal agriculture has long been deceiving the public by marketing these products as “healthier” than real meat.

Red meat causes heart disease

There is some misinformation out there about red meat and heart disease. While there is a correlation between red meat and high cholesterol, it is not the only culprit. The consumption of red meat in small amounts is not linked to increased risks of heart disease. Broccoli, for example, contains more protein than beef and is also much lower in saturated fats.

Processed meat is a carcinogen

Processed meat is a major contributor to colon and stomach cancer. Recent research conducted by the World Health Organization has confirmed that processed meat is a carcinogen. The group evaluated over 700 epidemiological studies of red and processed meat and found that red and processed meat increased the risk of colorectal, lung, and prostate cancer. Eating an additional 50 grams of processed meat a day increased the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent.

Sunlight is a class-1 carcinogen

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified ultraviolet radiation from the sun as a class-one carcinogen. This means it can damage the DNA in skin cells and lead to changes in cell growth. It is thought that some of this increased risk for skin cancer is due to the use of sunlamps, which are very common among contemporary UK citizens. However, it is unlikely that 1903-born people would have used sunlamps.

Food industry marketing

Many of the claims about animal food are untrue. While animal advocacy groups do excellent work promoting animal welfare, they often promote foods that are not actually vegan or plant-based. In their own way, food companies are making vegan products.

Ed Winters’ book

Ed Winters’ book is a short, easy-to-read guide to the vegan lifestyle. It includes scientific and simple arguments to support the vegan lifestyle, and it responds to common anti-vegan rhetoric. Although the book is well-written, some readers may find it a bit harsh and condescending. However, this book is highly recommended to those who want to learn about the benefits of a vegan diet.