Is Vitamin Water Vegan?

is vitamin water vegan

Vitaminwater is not a vegan drink. It contains sugar and natural flavors. The sugar may come from animal products. The natural flavors, on the other hand, may not. There is no specific way to tell whether or not these are vegan, but the sugar is derived from sugar canes and may go through filtration before it hits the drink.

Glaceau VitaminWater

Coca-Cola owns Glaceau Vitamin Water, a bottled water that contains vitamins and minerals. Although the company is not known for its animal welfare practices, it is vegan in the US and Canada. However, some varieties are not vegan.

Lucozade Energy

Despite the fact that Lucozade is marketed as a health drink, it doesn’t contain any B vitamins. This energy drink does contain sugar, but the amount isn’t high enough to give you a lasting boost. You can only drink it once a day and still get a decent energy boost. Drinking more than this can lead to an increased tolerance, which is not healthy for the long run. As with any energy drink, it is not bad for you, but you have to take precautions in order to avoid any unwanted effects.


Drinking Gatorade is beneficial to people who exercise in hot climates. It provides electrolytes, sugar, and energy to keep your body hydrated and in top form. This sports drink was developed in a laboratory to replace the minerals and electrolytes athletes lose in heat. It also contains a high level of sugar, which can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes or weight gain.

Propel Fitness Water

Propel Electrolyte Water is made with electrolytes to replenish the body’s fluids and support nerve and muscle function. Its eight flavors include antioxidant vitamins C and E. The vitamin-infused water is low in calories with 10 calories per serving. Each bottle also contains 100% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B and vitamin C. Plus, the bottle’s cap is made with 100 percent recycled materials.

Homemade vitamin water

Homemade vitamin water is an excellent way to get your daily vitamin C. It is made by steeping fresh fruit in water. You can add strawberries, lemons, oranges, limes, and vanilla beans. You can also add herbs to the water to create a flavorful, refreshing drink. You can keep the infused water in the fridge for 20 minutes before serving.