Is Riboflavin Vegan?

Riboflavin is a B vitamin that plays an important role in a number of processes, including skin and hair growth, red blood cell production, nervous system function, carbohydrate metabolism, and the activation of other B vitamins, such as folate. It is usually found in animal products, but vegans should find good plant-based sources of riboflavin.

Angular cheilitis

Riboflavin is a vital nutrient that can be deficient in vegans. Riboflavin deficiency is often accompanied by other B vitamin deficiencies. Riboflavin is essential for the conversion of various vitamins to active forms. Vegans should consume sufficient amounts of plant foods to achieve adequate levels of riboflavin.

Colorectal cancer

A recent study has found a possible connection between riboflavin and colorectal cancer. Using a human colon adenocarcinoma cell line, researchers evaluated the expression of riboflavin-related genes and their protein levels. In addition, they evaluated basal riboflavin levels in tumors and normal mucosa from CRC patients.

Homocysteine levels

The higher your homocysteine levels, the more risk you’re at for heart disease and stroke. This substance is produced by the body in the presence of vitamin B6 and B12, and it can accumulate in your body, causing cell damage and an onset of major disease. Many different factors can raise your homocysteine levels, including a poor diet, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and lack of exercise. Even if you’ve got a healthy lifestyle and aren’t a smoker, you’re still at risk.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Riboflavin is known to exert anti-inflammatory effects in several different conditions, including migraine and staphylococcal infections. It inhibits the synthesis of NF-kB, suppresses the expression of HMGB1, and modulates the activity of MCP-1. It also inhibits the release of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNFa.

Vegan foods

Riboflavin is an important vitamin that plays a key role in energy production in the body. It is important to consume sufficient amounts of it if you are a vegan. It is also essential for athletes, as they need a higher amount than non-athletes. Fortunately, many grains are fortified with this vitamin. This means that they have added riboflavin in addition to many other vitamins and minerals.


Riboflavin is an essential vitamin found in many foods, including fruits and vegetables. It helps the body maintain normal levels of homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood. A good source of riboflavin is legumes, especially soy products. Eggs are also a good source.