Is Diet Coke Vegan?

is diet coke vegan

Diet Coke is a vegan beverage that doesn’t contain any animal products. The company has made a commitment to recycle all of its bottles by 2025. This is one of the reasons why many people have turned to this non-alcoholic beverage to quench their thirst. The company is also committed to keeping the environment clean by using sustainable energy to produce its drinks.


The safety of aspartame in diet coke has come under scrutiny from health regulators. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has questioned the results of several studies conducted in the 1990s and early 2000s. They cite data gaps and other concerns. The latest opinion, published by the EFSA in Parma, Italy, has found no evidence of harm from aspartame at the current EU ADI level of 40 mg/kg of body weight.

Sodium Benzoate

Sodium Benzoate is a common preservative used in diet soda and soft drinks. It is also used in pharmaceuticals and pickles. It works by inhibiting the growth of mold. But recent studies have raised concerns about its harmful effects. The Food Standards Agency has backed the use of sodium benzoate in diet drinks in the UK and Europe, but MPs have called for an urgent investigation.

Sugar beet

Although most sugar beets are genetically modified, beet sugar is still considered vegan. While it differs from cane sugar in taste and production, beet sugar does not use bone char, a byproduct of processing sugarcane. Vegans may find this difference particularly important, as it means they are not consuming any animal products in the manufacturing process.

Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew is one of the most popular sodas in the world, but it also contains ingredients that may not be vegan. The company has been accused of using animal-based ingredients in its production processes, and the drink does contain animal-tested colors. To be vegan, Mountain Dew should contain no animal-derived ingredients.

Dr Pepper

Vegans don’t consume animal products, including dairy products, eggs, honey, and cheese. They also do not consume any products derived from animals, such as meat, fish, or eggs. The main reason for becoming vegan is to stop supporting the inhumane treatment of animals. However, Dr Pepper contains several additives that are not vegan. These ingredients are often hard to pronounce and may seem unnatural to some. Here’s what to know before making a decision about whether or not you’d like to consume Dr Pepper diet coke.


A vegan may be interested in drinking 7Up diet coke because it does not contain any animal ingredients. The drink contains carbonated water, sugar, and natural flavors. It is not suitable for strict vegans because it contains 38 grams of sugar per serving. This is more than the daily recommended amount of sugar.