Is Cholecalciferol Vegan?

is cholecalciferol vegan

Cholecalciferol is a type of vitamin D3 that isn’t related to dairy or meat. Instead, it is extracted from purified lanolin, which comes from sheep wool. As a result, cholecalciferol is vegan-friendly because it doesn’t come from animals, so it doesn’t involve killing them.


Vitashine is the only plant-based vitamin D3 supplement in the world. It is registered by the Vegan and Vegetarian Society, and is manufactured by an independent research laboratory. In addition, the manufacturer partners with world-renowned lipid analysis experts at Stirling University. Studies have shown that optimal vitamin D levels contribute to normal physical and immune system functions.

Vitashine 1000iu tablets are small and easily absorbed through the digestive system. They are also available in chewable and liquid forms, making them suitable for everyone, from toddlers to seniors. Both formulas contain maltodextrin, antioxidants, and anti-caking agents, and are vegan and vegetarian friendly.


Lanolin is a natural emollient that has a high concentration of Vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium and aids in bone health. It is produced by animals when exposed to sunlight, but there are also synthetic versions. Many of the products you buy on the market today contain this ingredient. While they are not necessarily harmful, they can cause some allergic reactions. If you’re concerned about the safety of a product, you should try a patch test.

Lanolin contains Vitamin D, which is important for building healthy bones and teeth. It is available in food and as a supplement. You can also get this vitamin in animal products and fish oil. Lanolin is chemically altered to make it more similar to vitamin D, but the chemical process doesn’t change its function in the body.

Vitamin D2

Vitamin D supplements are available in two forms, D3 and D2. D3 contains vitamin D from sheep lanolin, which is a wax secreted by wool-bearing animals. However, this form of vitamin D may not be suitable for vegans. While animal products are often highly processed and are often unethically treated, it’s still a good idea to question where your food comes from, particularly if it comes from an animal. Also, make sure to check the quality of vitamin D supplements.

There are some supplements on the market that contain vitamin D from algae, which is a plant-based substance. These supplements contain the most bioavailable form of vitamin D. If you are a vegan, you should look for products that contain lichen in their ingredients.


Ergocalciferol is a form of vitamin D that is not made naturally by the human body. However, it is often recommended for vegans because of its low bioavailability and low cost. But, it is not as effective as Vitamin D3 and is often sold in low strength, which discourages many vegans from using it. It is recommended that vegans get at least 5,000 IU daily of Vitamin D and 20,000 IU daily of vitamin D3.

Ergocalciferol is the most commonly available plant-derived form of vitamin D. This form is typically obtained from lanolin, a pale yellow oil in sheep’s wool. However, Nordic Naturals claims that their version is more easily absorbed and used by the body than cholecalciferol. There are many companies that are trying to develop alternatives to vitamin D without animal products.


Cholecalciferol from lichen is a plant based source of vitamin D3. It is free of contaminants and is the same vitamin produced by the human body when exposed to sunlight. It has been shown to have a wide variety of health benefits and is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin.” Some studies suggest that it may also help prevent diseases such as Type 1 diabetes and MS.

Cholecalciferol is produced from lichen, a plant-like organism resulting from the symbiotic growth of algae and fungi. Vitamin D3 is a vital vitamin for the human body, with roles in almost every tissue in the body. Unfortunately, many Americans are vitamin D deficient. Nordic Naturals’ new Vitashine product, derived from lichen, has these properties. It is vegan, containing no genetically modified ingredients, gluten, or artificial colors.