Is AMC Popcorn Vegan?

is amc popcorn vegan


Flavacol is a fine seasoned salt that is used by many movie theaters. It sticks to the popcorn better than regular salt, making your popcorn taste better for longer. In addition, it gives the popcorn a distinctive yellow hue. If you love movie theater popcorn, you’ll love Flavacol.

Flavacol has only four ingredients: two types of yellow dye, an artificial butter flavor, and salt. This seasoning is made by Gold Medal Products Co., a company based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Because the flakes are so fine, they’re nearly impossible to replicate. The flakes are made using the Alberger process, which produces pyramid-shaped salt crystals.

Canola oil

While most popcorn sold at movie theaters contains unhealthy trans fats and saturated fats, AMC popcorn is made with a healthy blend of canola, palm and olive oils. This blend creates popcorn that is both light and crunchy. It is low in saturated fat and has a lower calorie content than traditional popcorn.

Canola oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in saturated fat, two essential nutrients for the heart. This oil is a healthier choice than butter or vegetable oil, so it’s a good choice for popcorn.