Talking Points

This legislation...

  • Will require school boards to "call before they dig" or test to ensure that sites are safe for children before they begin building schools.
  • Gives parents the right to know whether or not the schools they send 

  • their children to are safe.

Thousands of schools throughout the country have already been built on or near toxic sites

  • A recent study by the group "Child Proofing Our Communities" of five states found that there are over 1,100 public schools within a half-mile radius of a known contaminated site. Within these states, over 600,000 children attend classes in schools near contaminated land. 
  • If there are 600,000  in five states, it is reasonable to assume that nationwide this is problem effecting millions of children.
We need to prevent "Love Canal" situations from happening again
  • Most know of the Love Canal dumpsite in Niagara Falls, New York. Twenty thousand tons of chemicals were buried in the neighborhood’s center and eventually leaked out into the surrounding community. 
  • The 99th Street Elementary School was on the perimeter of the dump, and the 93rd Street School was just two blocks away. Both closed in 1978 after extensive testing revealed high levels of chemical contamination on and around them. Love Canal was the first community to close schools due to potential health risks to children. 

Building schools on or near toxic sites is a nightmare situation because kids are more vulnerable to toxins

  • Children drink more, eat more, and breathe more per pound of body weight, making what may be a safe chemical exposure to an adult, extremely toxic to a child. 
  • Childhood is a "critical period" in human development when exposure to a dangerous chemical can cause permanent damage or even death.
Parents Have a Right to Know 
  • We require most schools to get written parental consent to give our kids an aspirin, but we may be allowing them to expose our kids to dangerous toxins without even notifying us. 
  • Toxins in or near schools, of all places, are something a parent has a right to know about to ensure a child's safety. 

State Environmental Resource Center - 106 East Doty Street, Suite 200 - Madison, WI 53703 
Phone: 608-252-9800 - Email: