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Home > Policy Issues > Greenhouse Gas Reporting & Reduction Strategies > Introduction


The global community has become critically concerned about anthropogenic climate change. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are warming the earth, posing significant threats to our environment and health. With only 4% of the world’s population, the United States creates nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gases. The purpose of the Greenhouse Gas Database Act, the sample bill included in this package, is to create a record of significant greenhouse gas emissions in order to provide the framework to begin reducing those emissions.

Photo courtesy of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Although the United States has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol, an international call for greenhouse gas reduction, most people agree that eventual GHG regulation is inevitable. Many businesses anticipate that voluntary present-day reductions might penalize them should future legislation mandate across-the-board reductions. Any future regulatory scheme will likely include a cap-and-trade system, whereby the state or federal government can set emissions limits and companies can accumulate emission credits if their emissions fall below those limits. Companies that find it more difficult to reduce their emissions could then purchase credits from those companies able to reduce emissions. The database suggested in the sample bill will allow companies to establish baseline emission calculations that they can use in the event of future regulatory cap-and-trade schemes.

The Greenhouse Gas Database bill does not regulate greenhouse gas emissions; it requires emissions reporting of significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The sample bill is designed to enable states to monitor sources of greenhouse gas emissions within its boundaries and will serve as a tool to better analyze statewide emission footprints and benchmark within and among industrial sectors. Developing this capacity is an essential first step in designing a sustainable energy plan or emissions reduction plan.

This web site offers the tools necessary to introduce and pass legislation to require businesses to report their greenhouse gas emissions in your state. These tools include a sample bill, talking points, press clips, a fact pack, links, and other background information.

We may have other useful materials on this subject which are not posted on our web site. Please feel free to contact us at or call our office in Madison, Wisconsin, at (608) 252-9800.

If you’ve used this site and found it helpful or, if you have suggestions about how it could be made more helpful, please let us know. Please feel free to use the sample bill text included here in your state. If you do, please notify us.

This package was last updated on June 15, 2004.