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Conservation Funding
Increased state funding for conservation programs empowers local governments and nonprofit organizations to restore critical wildlife and fish habitat, preserve high quality natural areas, and prevent sprawl.
Conservation Tax Incentives
The preservation tax credit is a simple idea. Citizens and corporations who donate land for conservation purposes get an income tax break.
Fiscal Reform
With the tremendous budget strains on state governments nationally, lawmakers are looking for ways to raise funds and improve tax fairness. Under these circumstances, lawmakers interested in fiscal reform can improve their state’s environment through its fiscal policy using an idea called environmental fees or “environmental tax shifting.”
Green Scissors
One increasingly important fiscal reform is called “green scissors” and it includes all efforts to end government subsidies for environmentally harmful behaviors.
Pay-As-You-Drive Auto Insurance
Unlike conventional auto insurance policies, which charge a flat rate based on time periods, pay-as-you-drive (PAYD) auto insurance policy costs are based on usage or distance driven.
Renewable Energy Incentives
The goal of tax incentives for renewable energy programs should be to create positive incentives to avoid taxation, and to create disincentives for pollution and other forms of environmental degradation.
Smart Growth Tax Credit
The Smart Growth Tax Credit Act is a prime example of how states can save money while making their cities cleaner and greener. The proposed tax credit is designed to give developers a break for building in more densely-populated areas and for complying with cutting-edge green building standards.
Transportation Funding
This package offers several policy options to update your state’s transportation laws, giving greater funds and control to local, metropolitan, and regional organizations, and encouraging mass transit, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure enhancements, and other transportation alternatives.

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State Environmental Resource Center
Madison, Wisconsin