
A carbon tax, as the name implies, taxes fuels on the basis of their carbon content in order to narrow the price gap that currently exists between fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. 

Carbon dioxide accounts for over 50% of greenhouse gases. These and other emissions from fossil fuel combustion are the leading causes of smog, acid rain, and mercury poisoning, and are a major contributor to respiratory diseases such as asthma. Cleaning our air and taking steps to mitigate the effects of climate change must be a top priority for today’s policymakers. This legislation would reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, clean our air, and encourage investment in renewable energy sources while eliminating existing inefficiencies in state tax codes.

This web site offers the tools necessary for you to introduce and pass legislation to reduce carbon pollution in your state, including a sample bill, talking points, a press release, a fact pack, research, and other background information. 

We have other useful materials not yet posted on the site, so please contact us by email at or call our office at (608) 252-9800 for more information.

State Environmental Resource Center
Madison, Wisconsin