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Smart Growth Programs Being Cut Nationwide

A report released by the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse, and Smart Growth America says that more than a dozen states have made, or are considering, massive cuts to smart growth programs to address budget shortfalls. The report warned that cutting these vital programs eventually will threaten local economies, the environment, and public health, and called on state legislators to defend them. Some state officials, who apparently realize the long-term benefits of smart growth initiatives, are expanding these programs or starting new ones. Report authors say these officials are responding to their constituents: "While our national priorities clearly have changed since the tragic events of September 11, Americans have a different set of local priorities, and sprawl is one of their top concerns," said Allison Smiley, director of the Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse. "Even in last November's election, voters passed 73 percent of the open space protection ballot measures in 14 states." Legislative efforts to cut these programs are short-sighted and will only harm local communities. States should be promoting (and funding) smart growth programs, which will save money in the long run.

Ran 3/25/02

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